Luna Wolves
Our Story
‘So I fight for a Father who I never loved, against a brother that I did. I defend an empire that never wanted me against an army that would have taken me in a heartbeat.’
Captain Iacton Qurze of the Luna Wolves during the Horus II campaign, 2792
Operating Beyond Limits...
Speaking of the Luna Wolves is speaking of unorthodox methods; from their unofficial designation as the XVI legion of the UEEN, after the 15th official fleets that operated at the moment of their founding, to their repeated success operating beyond the limits of what most would consider reasonable.
If there is one trait they always remain true to is their tactical disposition as a Spearhead, always hitting with unstoppable force at the core of the enemy forces, wherever it may be. They have gained ample renown for these decapitation strikes, always aimed surgically at critical points of enemy fleets or bases to allow the other forces of the UEEN or CDF to swoop in amidst the confusion.
Always ready to be called upon by the UEEN or by Rowena Dulli, the Wolves prefer to engage in direct ship to ship combat but have also been known to collaborate with CDF and UEEN ground forces to deploy and extract troops from particularly hot zones.
The livery of the Luna Wolves is one fraught with evocation, their iconic pure white reminiscent of the mysterious celestial body that haunted humanity’s dreams on its birth world as well as the arctic fur of ancient predators of old Terra.
As of recent, teams fully dedicated to exploration, industry and humanitarian aid have also been established.
Whilst the Luna Wolves originated as a militia to support the efforts of the UEEN during the First Tevarin war, as they grew and distanced themselves of the more tyrannical policies of the Messer era, they expanded their reach to also become proficient in non-bellicose endeavors, creating Squadron types for those who wish to conduct a peaceful life under the Aegis of the Luna Wolves or that want to support the warbands of Luna without becoming an active combatant themselves. It is important to note that, despite any Squadron being able to specialize in a particular objective if they so desire, it is by no means compulsory and a Devastator squadron for instance can be able of operating a Javelin and fighting as specialized infantry if the situation so requires, they are united by an objective, not a set of rules.

Tactical Squadrons
Tactical Squadrons are the backbone of the Legion, versatile groups capable of achieving a variety of combat-oriented missions: from infantry operations to air superiority aces, they use any assets at their disposal to achieve their goal.
Devastator Squadrons
Devastator Squadrons are composed by those amongst the Wolves that have an inkling for fire and brimstone. Specialists in operating and targeting the heaviest forces, their laughter is often the last sound heard by those attacking the UEE.
Recon Squadrons
Reconnaissance specialists and saboteurs at their origin, the Recon Squadrons have expanded to also encompass dedicated Exploration and Scientific teams that support the expansion of the UEE one discovery at a time.
Logistics Squadrons
Logistics Squadrons are the lungs of the Luna Wolves: from groups of legionnaires capable of operating amidst enemy fire to miners, traders and builders who wish to operate afar from the battle-line, they enable the operation of the legion.
Support Squadrons
Support Squadrons can encompass a variety of roles such as providing medical and extraction support to the legion or other citizens of the UEE beyond the medics that are attached within the other types of Squadrons of the Luna Wolves.