Luna Wolves Become Second Org in Star Citizen to Capture The Idris!

Luna Wolves successfully became the second Star Citizen ORG to capture and hold an Idris-M for nearly two hours during the current limited time Idris hunt that CIG is hosting. As far as we are aware, we are the second org to accomplish this!

The operation started with Captain Varald spotting the Idris mission on his server and Captain Zainotiri, Captain Pheried , and Lt. Officer Tragus were quick to respond to the emergency alert. The 3 of them were able to board the vessel and quickly gain control over the bridge after intense firefights. They were able to stop the Idris to allow reinforcements to board which were Lt. nox “The Raven Tamer” , Lt. Fozzzu , and Lt. S0l3nya. They were able to take control of the rest of the ship and with Pheried at the helm, the Luna Wolves were able to fight off the entire server for nearly two hours and score countless kills.

This is just the first of many accomplishments for the Legion! This was also a great example of multi company and squadron co-operation representing 3 different companies across 5 squadrons. We salute these warriors for their accomplishments and bringing glory to the Legion! Each member will be awarded a special badge in recognition for their service!

Let none doubt our resolve, for in our wake, only the echoes of our enemies’ lamentations shall remain!

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