Welcome to

Luna Wolves

“In the shadow of Luna’s cold embrace, we, the Luna Wolves, forge our legacy with every step, our hearts ablaze with the fire of loyalty, our souls tempered by the trials of war. In the darkness of the void, we are the Emperor’s fury, the bringers of light amidst the encroaching night. Let none doubt our resolve, for in our wake, only the echoes of our enemies’ lamentations shall remain.”

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About Luna Wolves

Star Citizen

Speaking of the Luna Wolves is speaking of unorthodox methods; from their unofficial designation as the XVI legion of the UEEN, after the 15th official fleets that operated at the moment of their founding, to their repeated success operating beyond the limits of what most would consider reasonable. If there is one trait they always remain true to is their tactical disposition as a Spearhead, always hitting with unstoppable force at the core of the enemy forces, wherever it may be. They have gained ample renown for these decapitation strikes, always aimed surgically at critical points of enemy fleets or bases to allow the other forces of the UEEN or CDF to swoop in amidst the confusion.

Always ready to be called upon by the UEEN or by Rowena Dulli, the Wolves prefer to engage in direct ship to ship combat but have also been known to collaborate with CDF and UEEN ground forces to deploy and extract troops from particularly hot zones.
The livery of the Luna Wolves is one fraught with evocation, their iconic pure white reminiscent of the mysterious celestial body that haunted humanity’s dreams on its birth world as well as the arctic fur of ancient predators of old Terra.

As of recent, teams fully dedicated to exploration, industry and humanitarian aid have also been established.

The Background Story

Luna Wolves

Learn about the full History of our Legion by going through the Lore page. 

The story is still continuing and by joining the legion, you will help be a part of shaping it’s future and place in the Verse. 

Reasons to Get Involved

With Luna Wolves

Strategic Gameplay

Immerse yourself in the tactical depth of Star Citizen's gameplay. Participate in organized missions and battles where teamwork and strategy are key. Hone your skills as a pilot, a soldier, or a trader, and become a force to be reckoned with in the galaxy.

Shared Adventure

Joining our Star Citizen Legion means embarking on epic adventures across the vastness of space with a group of like-minded individuals. Explore new worlds, engage in thrilling space battles, and discover the wonders of the universe together.


Forge strong bonds with your fellow Legionnaires as you work together towards common goals. Whether you're exploring the far reaches of space or engaging in intense dogfights, the camaraderie and friendship you'll find in our Legion are unparalleled.

Legacy in the Stars

Leave your mark on the universe of Star Citizen and our Legion's history. Your actions and contributions will shape the narrative of our Legion and the wider Star Citizen universe, ensuring that your legacy endures among the stars.

Become aLuna Wolf

Joining our elite Legion offers a unique and immersive experience unlike any other. As a member, you’ll be part of a dedicated group of individuals who share a passion for both Warhammer 40k lore and the expansive universe of Star Citizen. Our Org combines the best of both worlds, allowing you to engage in epic space battles, explore uncharted territories, and forge new alliances, all while embodying the spirit of the Luna Wolves Legion. Our Legion provides a tight-knit community where camaraderie and teamwork are paramount. 

Become aLuna Wolf

You’ll have the opportunity to participate in organized missions and events, where your skills as a pilot, soldier, miner, trader, or strategist will be put to the test. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to Star Citizen, our Org offers a welcoming environment where you can grow and thrive, all while writing your own chapter in the storied history of the Luna Wolves Legion. Join us, and together, we’ll conquer the stars. 


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